Odoo code example

Example of odoo code that demonstrates how to create a new module and add a custom field to an existing model. Perfect for beginners looking to learn how to customize and extend odoo functionalities.

Odoo is a powerful and customizable open-source business management software that offers a wide range of features to help businesses streamline their operations. One of the key features of Odoo is its ability to create custom modules and extensions using Python, allowing businesses to tailor the software to their specific needs.

In this article, we will walk through a simple Odoo code example to demonstrate how easy it is to customize the software to fit your business requirements.

Creating a Custom Module
To create a custom module in Odoo, you first need to create a new Python file that will contain the module’s code. For example, let’s create a module called “custom_module” with a model called “custom_model”. In this model, we will add a new field called “custom_field” that will store a text value.

To start, create a new directory in the Odoo addons folder and add a new Python file called “custom_module.py”. In this file, add the following code:

from odoo import models, fields

class CustomModel(models.Model):
_name = 'custom_module.custom_model'

custom_field = fields.Char(string='Custom Field')

In this code, we create a new class called “CustomModel” that inherits from the “models.Model” class provided by Odoo. We then define the name of the model as “custom_module.custom_model” using the “_name” attribute. Next, we add a new field called “custom_field” of type “Char” that will store a text value.

Next, create a new XML file called “custom_module.xml” in the same directory and add the following code:




In this XML code, we create a new view for the “CustomModel” model that will display the “custom_field” field in a form view. We define the form view with the “
” tag and include the “custom_field” field using the “” tag.

Lastly, create a new directory called “views” in the same directory and move the “custom_module.xml” file into it. This will organize your module’s files and make it easier to manage.

Installing the Custom Module
To install the custom module in Odoo, restart the Odoo server and navigate to the Apps module. Click on the “Update Apps List” button to refresh the list of available modules, then search for your custom module (“Custom Module”) and click on the “Install” button.

After installing the custom module, you can create new records of the “CustomModel” model by navigating to the custom module and clicking on the “Create” button. You will see a form view with the “custom_field” field where you can enter a text value.

Customizing Odoo Further
This example demonstrates how easy it is to create a custom module in Odoo and add new fields to existing models. However, Odoo offers much more flexibility and customization options, allowing you to create custom views, actions, menus, and more.

You can also create new models, inherit from existing models, and create relationships between models to build complex business workflows. Odoo’s modular architecture makes it easy to extend and customize the software without modifying the core code, ensuring that your customizations are upgrade-safe.

In conclusion, Odoo’s powerful customization capabilities make it a versatile and flexible business management solution that can adapt to your specific business needs. By creating custom modules and extensions using Python, you can tailor Odoo to fit your unique requirements and optimize your business operations.

So why wait? Start customizing your Odoo instance today and unlock the full potential of this powerful software for your business.